About the journal “Paediatrician practice”


For the past 16 years, the Paediatrician practice journal has been publishing the most relevant articles for practicing pediatric doctors. Published materials are presented in the form of original articles, literature reviews, case studies, as well as reviews of modern foreign publications. Interviews with leading speakers are published also on the pages and regulatory aspects in childhood are discussed.

Over the years of publication, the journal has rightfully won the authority and respect of both practicing doctors and scientists, professors, and teachers of higher education.

The topics covered in each issue reflect the most pressing issues not only in pediatrics but also in related specialties: otorhinolaryngology, neurology, nephrology, genetics, cardiology, endocrinology, clinical pharmacology. This is important because many diseases in childhood occur under various masks and often have a combined character.

The most important indicator of the relevance of any scientific journal is the appeal to the articles of other researchers, that is, scientific citation. Even though citation index estimation has long been used around the world (for example, the Web of Science, Scopus systems), in Russia a similar system (Russian Science Citation Index - RSCI) was introduced only in the 2000s (E-library since 2005). According to the RSCI data from 2018, there is a steady upward trend in the RSCI two-year impact factor, the number of views and downloads of articles (links to the Practice of the Pediatrician journal articles began to be taken into account only in 2013 on the E-library portal). The main tool for promoting the publication is the Internet. For this, the site www.medi.ru was created, where you can find the archive of the journal for all years and full-text articles.

The readership of the journal is practicing doctors, students, graduate students, residents, researchers, faculty of universities.

Mass media certificate dated October 18, 2004. Series PI № 77-186400 Federal service for surveillance over non-violation of the legislation in the sphere of mass communication and protection of cultural heritage.

Publisher "Rumed Grupp" Ltd.

Founder "Farm Press" Ltd.

Edition 11000 copies.

Printed by "A-Grif" Ltd.

Advertising and content tel. +7-499-673-37-97

The editorial office takes no responsibility for the contents of advertising materials.

Editorial opinion may not coincide with the authors' opinion.

No part of this issue may be reproduced without the written consent of the editorial office.

While reprinting publications one must make reference to the journal "Pediatrician practice".

Address for correspondence: Moscow, 117246, P.O. box 80.

tel./ fax: +7-499-673-37-97

3 ноября 2022 г.


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