Rules for authors to prepare the article for submission to the “Paediatrician practice” journal


Before sending the article to the editorial office of the journal "Paediatrician practice" the following rules must be checked.

1. The text should be in 14 font size, 1,5 spaced, printed on the one side of the sheet

All materials should be sent by e-mail in one file, including a list of references, a summary with keywords, figure captions, information about the authors.

2. The top page of the article should contain the title, the authors’ last names and initials, the full name of the institution being a base for the work fulfilled, in Russian and English.

Moreover, if employees of several institutions took part in writing the article, then Arabic numeration is used in superscript numbers over the names of the authors and, accordingly, over the names of institutions. The full name of the institution is required, for example:

Faculty of Additional Professional Education of the Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov, Moscow

Children's City Clinical Hospital named after Z.A.Bashlyaevoy of Ministry of Healthсаre of the Russian Federation

3. The last, first, and middle names of all authors, academic degrees and positions should be indicated. Also, the official addresses (with zip code) of the institutions where the work was conducted should be specified.

4. A detailed summary should be attached to the article. The authors’ names and the title of the article should be completely repeated at the beginning of the summary. The resume should be informative and compact (100 - 250 words). It should include the following aspects of the article content:

  • Subject and aim of the work;
  • Materials and method of the work;
  • Results: description of the obtained data;
  • Scope of the results;
  • Conclusion.

3-5 keywords are placed at the end of the resume. The English version of the resume with keywords must be sent as well.

5. The article should be carefully edited and verified. The statement should be clear without long introductions and repetitions.

6. Quotations in the article should be verified, it is necessary to indicate the source, its name, year, issue, and page in a footnote.

7. Abbreviations of words are not allowed, except for generally accepted chemical and mathematical symbols, terms. SI system of units should be used in the articles.

8. Tables should be constructed visually, have a name, their headings must exactly match the contents of the sidebar and graph. All figures, totals, and percentages in the tables should be carefully verified by the author and correspond to the numbers in the text where it is necessary to indicate the place of the table and its counting number. Tables and text should not duplicate each other.

9. The number of illustrations (photographs, drawings, diagrams) should not exceed 6–8 pcs., and these pictures should be considered as essential ones. Each Illustration should be sent in a separate file and saved as an image (in *.jpeg, *.bmp, *.gif formats), then placed in the manuscript file as a fixed drawing. It is unacceptable to use any MS WORD tools (such as arrows, annotations, etc.) to change the pictures due to the high risk of their loss at the editing stage. Photographs and drawings should be clear and contrast. Each illustration requires the counting number. Graphs and schemes should not be overloaded with text notes.

10. Figure annotations should be given as a separate file with the picture number and the page of the manuscript it refers to. It is necessary to indicate the place of the picture in the text. The annotations explain the meaning of all curves, letters, numbers, and other symbols.

11. The author should provide only original work! Using textual or graphical information obtained from other works, links to relevant publications, or the written permission of the author are required. When using your data it should be specified in the annotation "Compiled by the author." Any kind of plagiarism and excessive borrowing are regarded as unethical and unacceptable.

12. References should be 1.5 spaced, each source on a new line with a counting number. The reference list consists of all works and documents that are given in the text in square brackets - [1, 2], in the order of mention, and not in alphabetical order. All documents referenced in the text should be included in the list of references and verified. Any statements, conclusions, or arguments that have already been used previously in any publication should be appropriately formatted as citations.

13. References to works that are not in the list and vice versa are not allowed; references to unpublished works, as well as works published more than 10 years ago, are invalid. The exception is only rare highly informative works. Links to abstracts, dissertations, study guides should not be included in the list of references! The number of literary sources in the review should not exceed 60.

14. The bibliography contains the names of all authors if there are not more than four of them. If there are more authors, then the names of the first three (!) authors should be indicated and then write “et al.”

When describing journal articles data is indicated in the following order: last names and initials of the authors, article title, through // journal name, year, volume (if any), number, page interval. The full name of the journal should be indicated! The bibliographic elements are to be separated by a dot. It is highly recommended to indicate the DOI index.


5. Fukayama H., Nasu M., Murakami S., Sugawara M. Examination of antithyroid effects of smoking products in cuitured thyroid follicles: Only thiocyanate is a potent antithyroid agent // Acta Endocrinologica. 1992. Vol. 127. No. 6. P. 520–525.

6. Nedogoda S.V., Ilyukhin O.V., Ivanenko V.V. et al. Dynamics of indicators of the elasticity of the vascular wall in patients with heart failure who had acute myocardial infarction // Heart failure. 2003. V. 4. No. 2. P. 95–97.

When describing articles from collections, the data is indicated in the following order: last names and initials of the authors, title of the article (chapter of the collection), through // name of the collection, place of publication, year of publication, page interval.


2. Dmitriev N.S. Exudative otitis media // Otorhinolaryngology: National Guide / Ed. V.T. Palchuna. M .: GEOTAR-Media, 2008. P. 553–565.

When describing collective works with a large team of authors (monographs, manuals, etc.), the authors are not indicated at the beginning of the description, and in the statement of responsibility, it is necessary to indicate through / the editor (compiler, etc.).


1.Pediatric otorhinolaryngology: A guide for doctors / Ed. M.R. Bogomilsky, V.R. Chistyakova. M .: Medicine, 2005.

When linking to an electronic document, the data should be indicated in the following order: last names and initials of the authors (if any), title of the article (any other text), through // name of the resource, address bar (important: the address bar should open directly the document), date of appeal.


6. Higgins T.S., Jr. Otitis media with effusion treatment & management // Medscape Reference. Available at: (accessed: 25.10.2019).

7. Sun protection // WHO. Available at: (accessed: 21.10.2019).

8. Normative documents of the Russian Federation regulating scientific activity // RNIMU im. N.I. Pirogov. Access: (accessed: 10/31/2019).

Regulatory documents are described similarly.


1. Federal law of November 21, 2011 No. 323-ФЗ “Basics of the health protection of citizens in the Russian Federation” // ConsultantPlus. Access: / cons_doc_LAW_121895 / (accessed: 10/31/2019).

2.The draft Concept for the implementation of the state policy of combating tobacco consumption for 2017-2022 and the future perspective // Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Access: ents / 9544 (accessed: 10.21.2019).

15. The authors are responsible for the accuracy of the data listed in the bibliography.

16. The editorial board reserves the right to shorten and edit the article.

17. Previously published or submitted to other journals articles should not be sent to the editorial board. In exceptional cases, the reproduction of a published article is possible only with the written permission of the relevant publication and regarding this work!

18. The editorial board rejects articles that do not meet these standards! Articles should be sent to e-mail:

The editors of the journal “Paediatrician practice”, tel .: +7 (916) 915 27 14

11 июня 2020 г.


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